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Upgrade Galaxy Mini Ke Jelly Bean 4.2.2

Happy news for the Galaxy Mini GT - S5570 can now be upgraded to the latest version of android is Jelly Bean 4.2.2 , the latest upgrade of this system has been proven oprasi work for the GT - S5570 Galaxy Mini , Display screen becomes cooler , as well as camera , music player and more . WiFi Hotspot and USB Tethering also works smoothly , could even replace the function WiFi Card ( PC wifi connection via the gadget ) . Too bad if you are allowed to remain Galaxy Mini Android 2.2 Froyo or Android 2.3 Gingerbread . Application of this update is done directly from the SD card without a PC connection / komputer.Silakan for those of you who want to try and feel of Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on Galaxy Smartphones mini GT - S5570 you , can follow the tutorial below :

The second requirement that is required before performing this upgrade is 
1. Galaxy Mini you are already in Root / gain full access to the system , If Not follow the tutorial Here .
2. Already on ClockWorkMod Install Custom Recovery ( CWM ) , If Not follow the tutorial
 Here .
If you've all subsequent namely : Download 
- GalaxyMini Jelly Bean 4.2.2 ( cm-10.1-20130310-NIGHTLY-tass.zip ) Here.
Steps are :
1. Make sure it is fully charged batrei minimum of 85 % .
2. Move the file you downloaded earlier ( cm-10.1-20130310-NIGHTLY-tass.zip ) to sd card you put out without the current folder for easy search .
3. After that turn off the Galaxy Mini .
4. Then go into Recovery Mode by pressing Power + Home Button Simultaneously .
5. Use the Home button and Volume To Ok for up / down
6. Then do wipe data/factory reset >> Yes wipe data/factory reset 7. Lakukan wipe cache partition >> Yes wipe cache partition

8. Then select Install Zip From SD Card >> choose zip from sdcard >> Then select the files you have input into the sd card before cm-10.1-20130310-NIGHTLY-tass.zip >> Ok
9. Wait until the process is complete .
10. Once the update is completed select Reboot System Now , Then wait a while for the setting up of 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on Galaxy Mini you about 5-10 minutes.

* If you experience prolbem in Flash ROM update this , eg loading CyanogenMod too long ( over 10 minutes ) :
Remove the battery and reinstall it.
Repeat the process again Jelly Bean update with caution .
We recommend that you do this in front of a PC screen or whatever so they can follow the update procedure step by step .

"Hope it is useful"
27 Komentar untuk "Upgrade Galaxy Mini Ke Jelly Bean 4.2.2"

s5570 saya dah di upgrade jelly bean, lalu stelah memasang bbm, kenapa tampilan bbm nya cacat gan, mohon pencerahannya?

buat galaxy mini pop plus GT S-5570i bisa gak gan

untuk aplikasi bbm nya jgn instal dari playstore, lewat sini aja dijamin work http://masova30.wordpress.com/2014/02/05/install-bbm-di-galaxy-mini-s5570/

trimaks bynk ya Gan ats pencerahannya.tp stelah sy jln petunjuknya mau recovery mode udh nekan lama ttp jg ndak mau,knpa ya..?padahal tinggal lg me wipe data/factory reset >> Yes wipe data/factory reset .tolong ditmbnh lg Pencerahannya.trimak,s iya moga tmbh berjaya trs blogernya.....

dicoba lg sob tekan power+home button nya secara bersamaan
Tutorial diatas sy teruji dan berhasil kok sob


gan itu CWM nya harus versi berapa??? dan gmana cara menggunakannya?? thanks

CWM v5.2.0.8
Cara penggunaannya sudah ada di atas sob, baca lg sob. Pastikan ikuti langkah2 dgn benar.

setelah q instal jelly baen knpa galaxy mini q lemot ya

please replay

min minta solusi saya download cm-10 100mb tp bru 51mb udah selesai tu gmana

terimakasih bang. sekarang samsung saya sudah os jelly bean seperti yang abang tuliskan. sekali lagi terimakasih bg.

oke sipp gan!! sukses.. thanks heavy
emg jadi agak lemot ya, ngga apa-apalah.. experiment!!

ditunggu kehadiran upgrade galaxy mini ke KITKAT

Galmin ane ga ke detect di odin, itu gimana ya buat instal cwm, apa karna odinnya atau kabel data, ane sih pake kabel data ori

data selular nya ko ga bisa hidup ?

thanks gan work nih , tapi bbmnya cacat gimana ya?

gan.. gmna niih..?? hpe galin ane ga bisa apapa.. hpenya mah nyala.. tpi cuma smpe tulisan SAMSUNG GT-S5570I doank.. ga bisa msuk k menu..??

gmna nih gan???

gan.. gmna niih..?? hpe galmin ane ga bisa apapa.. hpenya mah nyala.. tpi cuma smpe tulisan SAMSUNG GT-S5570I doank.. ga bisa msuk k menu..??

gmna nih gan???

thanks gan

hp ane jadi lebih seru lagi gan

This comment has been removed by the author. - Hapus

Bang. kenapa bbm saya masih sama saja bbm versi gingerbread bukan versi jellybean/ICS?

punya saya malah ada tulisan emergensi call.kodenya apa ya ?

gan punya koq sd cardnya ga ke detect ya,,knp??ada solusi nya ga gan?makasih

sayanagnya, trebuchet telah berenti...
tolong solusinya gan..? mkasih

sukses mas.... Thanks banget....
Aku tanya mas kalau udah jadi jellybean terus kartu sd saya format jadinya gimana.....

Gan nginstal choose data from sd nya kok ga bisa??

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